Home By Another Way

by in Error'd on

This week, we discover an answer to the question that has eternally plagued us: "is time travel possible?" I won't swear it's the right answer, but it's definitely an answer.

But first, Faroguy Chris P. both shared the same issue with us (if they are in fact different people and not just each other's sock puppet) Snarked one of them: "A previous Teams "What's New" pop-up was empty. At least this one has content, even if part of it is a broken image and visible header name."

Strings go Asplodey

by in CodeSOD on

Anton has the joy of doing PHP work using one of the more popular e-commerce platforms.

Now, say what you will about PHP, its absolute mess of a root namespace has a function or class for just about everything. You want to split a string? We call that explode because that's way more radical than split. Want to join a string back together? We use implode, because that's the opposite of explode.

Lowering the Rent Floor

by in Feature Articles on

Things weren't looking good for IniOil. It was the 1980s in the US: greed was good, anti-trust laws had been literally Borked, and financialization and mergers were eating up the energy industry. IniOil was a small fish surrounded by much larger fish, and the larger fish were hungry.

Gordon was their primary IT person. He managed a farm of VAXes and other minicomputers, which geologists used to do complicated models to predict where oil might be found. In terms of utilization, the computer room was arguably the most efficient space in the company: those computers may have been expensive, but they were burning 24/7 to find more oil to extract.

Testing the Juniors

by in Feature Articles on

Stefan S has recently joined the ranks of software developers, having taken on his first job as a junior developer. After a few months of on-boarding with Terry, another new developer, they're now both actually getting assigned real work on tickets that deliver new functionality.

Stefan proudly pushed his first feature, complete with plenty of unit, functional, and end-to-end tests. After a little brushing up during code-review, it was merged along with a few "atta boys", and Stefan was feeling pretty good about himself.

Classic WTF: A Systematic Approach

by in Best of… on
It's a holiday in the US today, where we celebrate labor and laborers. Enjoy a story of working smarter, not harder, to meet unrealistic deadlines and create a lot more work for someone in the future. Original --Remy

It was the early 1990s and Frank was living the dream – unshaven, in pajama bottoms and his favorite hockey jersey, having just woken up at 12:18 PM, was now working in the dim light of his basement on one of his freelance projects. Just as he was sipping a cup of coffee, the phone rang.

Frank tried fruitlessly to fight an unexpected open-mouthed yawn when he picked up the receiver. "OOOOAAAaaahhhh... hello?"

Coast Star

by in Error'd on

On a vacation trip this week. The diligent will be able to discover the location with a tiny bit of sleuthing, but I won't be there now.

An anonymous traveler reports "I've been trying to contact them but I don't think they check their email very often."

Null Ability

by in Representative Line on

The addition of nullable or optional types to mainstream languages was a net good. It doesn't completely solve the billion dollar mistake, but it makes it far easier to write safe code.

For most of us anyway.


by in CodeSOD on

Peter was tracking down some bugs, when he found code which looks like this:

if (IsEmptyOrNull(myInput))
    // do things that clearly expect myInput to NOT be null or empty
} else {
    throw BadInputException("The input must not be null.");
