Lyle Seaman

networking, security infra and filesystems kernel hacker turned application programmer, SRE and engineering manager, Lyle traded tilting at windmills for viking at Vikings but couldn't catch any.

Feb 2022

Down the Rarebit Hole

by in Error'd on

This week's Error'd episode includes a bonus submission from our good friend A. Bargle, at no extra charge. TRWTF is in the browser, perhaps, but it's just so gosh darn funny. It's likely that what tickles me is entirely inscrutable to all of you (especially those coming to English as a second language), and if so, I apologize. But at least one of us is having a good time!

Not actually a hydrologist Carl C. has uncovered evidence of an entire cadre of wayward rivers roamin' the wikipedian underground. "I got so excited by this that I forgot why I was looking up the Nueces River on Wikipedia." It's not just the poor lost Rubicon!

In the fullness of time.

by in Error'd on

Regulargle Argle garbles "It's an advertisement. At least... it says so." Hey, if you can't believe advertisements, what can you believe?


by in Error'd on

Gringo Timothy W. shivers "It's going to be a cold time in Havana tonight!"

Sick Day

by in Error'd on

How much longer will we endure wave after wave of novel coronaviruses? One school of thought holds that omicron or its immediate successor will soon burn its way through the human population and render everyone immune. So here is our entire stash of covid-related submissions before they get old, stale, and boring.

Lonely Tim looking for love in all the wrong places, wails "I don't even count as a friend?"