For many more, check out the previous post from the series ... Pop-up Potpourri: Octopurri
When it comes to Digital Rights Management, some software requires that you enter a license key code from the CD case to verify that you own it. Other software verifies the license with Internet Activation. TaxCut's License Verification program, as Kyle Trauberman noticed, just asks nicely ...
Okay, I realize that wasn't the strongest one of the bunch -- but it did fit with the title of the post. You should appreciate this one from Antti Penttala. And I remember when Yes/No questions only had two answers ...
But really, Antti shouldn't complain -- Luis Zaldivar had three less choices when he had to answer a Yes/No question ...
Misty De Meo had a tough time figuring out why McMaster University kept rejecting the address she entered ...
Oracle Corporation is generally known for the world renowned user interface, so it's surprising to see this dialog from Pat, who decided he wanted to click the cancel button ...
Peter McMinn learned his lesson about buying cheap free-after-rebate CD-RWs. His super-fast 1.43166e+007x CD burner is stuck running at only 24x.
If you've ever wondered where the translator behind the famous "All your base are belong to us" works these days, Matt learned that it's apparently at Linksys ...
Stephan wasn't quite sure what this message means ...
MenuCalendarClock didn't do a great job of convincing Tom Phoenix that he should register their product. (null) just doesn't sound like too exciting of a feature ...
Both J.R. and I appreciate that QuickTime is honest about it's more ridiculous restrictions ...
Chris H discovered NZPost's secret to their five-star issue-turnaround record. The following is from an email he received minutes after submitting a question ...
Dear Chris H---, Thank you for using our Online Help System. We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 0 hours. Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.
This next message that Johan came across can be filed under "helpful" ...
Jernej L. noticed that Z Modeler was happy to report all that's changed since its last use ...
Jernej also realized that his computer seems to have some difficulty doing some long-addition ...
And I suppose we'll wrap up today's post with another capture from Jernej, who's computer also seems to have a hard time defining exactly how many bytes are in 2.87MB.