Hope ya don't mind another code-free day, but these pop-up messages were too good to pass up ... feel free to share your favorites in the comments.

Our first comes from Corey A. Spitzer. I have honestly never had such a strong desire to click an OK button in my life ...

Next up is from David Walker, who actually contacted the tax preparing company behind this message. Apparently, rounding in this matter is actually some sort of requirement ...

And our final example from Michael P Phillipson wouldn't normally elicit the "WTF" reaction. Consider, though, that this message has been popping up for as long as Michael can remember when logging on to his university computers ...

By the way, in yesterday's post, I brought up the Steve Rule. Sadly, that wasn't actually meant as a joke. I took a survey of the Weblogs.Asp.Net bloggers and found that seven different names beat out the girls ...

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