Jane Bailey

Jane Bailey is a self-published author of urban fantasy novels as well as a part-time blogger; in their day job, they're a renaissance person, dabbling in all sorts of fields in search of interesting puzzles and finding mostly WTFs.

Dec 2017

2017: The New Manager

by in Best of… on
We all dread the day we end up getting dragged, kicking and screaming, out of our core competencies and forced to be a manager. This is one of those stories. -- Remy

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She'd resisted the call for years. As a senior developer, Makoto knew how the story ended: one day, she'd be drafted into the ranks of the manager, forswearing her true love webdev. She knew she'd eventually succumb, but she'd expected to hold out for a few years before she had to decide if she were willing to change jobs to avoid management.