Lyle Seaman

A Dark Turn

by in Error'd on

You may call it equity, or equinox or whatever woke term you like but you can't sugarcoat what those of us in the North know: the Southern Hemisphere is stealing the very essence of our dwindling days. Sucking out the insolation like a milkshake and slurping it all across the equator.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light!

Meanwhile. Steven B. reminded us of an Error'd I'm pretty sure we've seen before, but it's too dark in here to find now. "I think Microsoft need a bit more tuning on their Office365 anti-spam filters," he suggests.

Nothing Doing

by in Error'd on

Two this week from our old friend Michael R., or maybe it's one.

This week, Michael tells us "I am sure I am running some applications but it seems I am not and those not running have allocated all the memory."

Home By Another Way

by in Error'd on

This week, we discover an answer to the question that has eternally plagued us: "is time travel possible?" I won't swear it's the right answer, but it's definitely an answer.

But first, Faroguy Chris P. both shared the same issue with us (if they are in fact different people and not just each other's sock puppet) Snarked one of them: "A previous Teams "What's New" pop-up was empty. At least this one has content, even if part of it is a broken image and visible header name."

Coast Star

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On a vacation trip this week. The diligent will be able to discover the location with a tiny bit of sleuthing, but I won't be there now.

An anonymous traveler reports "I've been trying to contact them but I don't think they check their email very often."


by in Error'd on

Elte Hupkes "Some weird Android behavior has my phone disconnecting from WiFi until I open it back up in the morning, triggering some backups. Unfortunately, WhatsApp Backup isn't a morning person."


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"Grocery stores are going too far with their energy foods" charged Tim DG. "I was just looking for some salads to go with my BBQ," he complained. "I'm not sure they sell what I'm looking for." I've seen what your kin put in their Huzarensaladen, Tim, so I'm not entirely surprised about the Duracells.

The State of the Arts

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Daniel D. humblebrags that he can spell. "Ordering is easy, but alphabet is hard. Anyway for this developer it was. Can anyone spot which sorting algo they used?" Next he'll probably rub it in that he can actually read unlike the TDWTF staff. I guess we'll never know.

Planing ahead

by in Error'd on

Yes, the title misspelling was an intentional attempt at punnery. It's a compulsion, I'm sorry.

I might have advised Adam R. not to try to plan flights 4 years in advance, if asked. But he didn't ask, and so he discovered this. I'll let Adam explain.
"I was looking at flights to a certain town in eastern Western Australia. (I'm planning ahead for the July 2028 solar eclipse.) A popular travel website informed me that this evening flight across the border from Northern Territory was an overnight flight. Yes, the time zones in Australia are weird, with a 90-minute difference between WA and NT, but a westbound flight that lands before it takes off should not be an unexpected edge case. "
